Anthrax at The Admiral in Omaha, Nebraska on February 13th, 2023.
Photos and review by The Pit Magazine contributor, Winsel Photography
I have been a fan of Anthrax for as long as I can remember. But, it has been until recently that I have seen them in concert and I have gotten to see them twice in the last five years. This show was made special by it being Anthrax’s 40 years as a band!! FORTY YEARS!! I have been following their music for most of those years as they were my first real dose of thrash metal starting with their second record, “Among the Living” in 1987! Then I went backwards and bought up “Spreading the Disease” and “Fistful of Metal“.
This show in Omaha was at The Admiral (formerly Sokol Auditorium) and the place was absolutely packed. After running into a few folks between Black Label Society and Anthrax there were mutterings that this show, being sold out quickly, should have been moved to a bigger venue. In my opinion, if I am a band I would rather play to a packed smaller venue than play to a half-empty larger venue. That said, it was really tight at The Admiral.
The Anthrax set started off with a huge, white screen in front and then the video started. An all star cast of musicians and other artists introducing them and talking about first and long-time experiences with the band. Towards the end, the video got the crowd frenzied as each of the artists, shown in rapid fire, started screaming, “ANTHRAX!!” The video ended and then drums started playing and a spotlight behind Charlie Benante showed his silhouette on the screen. Then some power chords and silhouettes of both guitars and the bass players. And then finally, the curtain dropped to show Anthrax on that huge Admiral stage! It began. My three songs in the pit were, “Among the Living“, “Caught in a Mosh“, and “Madhouse“.
The place lit up and stayed frenzied through the entire set! Anthrax played mostly all of their songs from their earlier years which was awesome because I went to get into some heavy thrashing and no one brings it hard and faster with such fever as they do. I can only hope that they keep going for a few more years to provide us with more opportunities to see them on stage.
Anthrax are:
Scott Ian/guitars
Frank Bello/bass
Charlie Benante/drums
Joey Belladonna/vocals
Jonathan Donias/guitars

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska. ©2023.
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