The Haunt at Stir Concert Cove in Council Bluffs, Iowa on September 22, 2022.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
Admittedly I knew nothing about The Haunt before the show this night. And found out while there are two bands with similar names. There is The Haunt and The Haunts. Subtle difference in spelling, huge difference with the bands themselves. If you look up The Haunt, you’ll find out that that they are a rock band out of South Florida, made up of two siblings Anastasia Grace Haunt (vocals) and her brother Maxamillion Haunt (guitar). The band also includes Nat Smallish (bass) and Nick Lewert (drums).
It doesn’t take long to realize that The Haunt does not hold back with stage presence or lyrically. They definitely get your attention quickly. The crowd at the Stir Cove seemed to love everything that The Haunt threw at them. As someone seeing them for the first time, and really my first experience with them overall, I thought they were very entertaining. I love music that is guitar driven and has a punch to it- that is The Haunt in a nutshell. Sometimes that punch is to the gut, but I’d say The Haunt is definitely worth checking out. They have no full album releases that I could find. On Spotify there are a handful of singles and an EP that was released in 2018. Their top single has close to 8 million streams, which is pretty impressive. I’m anxious to hear a full release from them, but until then, you can get a good taste of who they are with the music that is out there.
Find The Haunt: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Spotify | The World Wide Web

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2022.
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