Photos and Review by Bob DeHart Photo
I love going to shows and being pleasantly surprised about what I see and hear. Getting to see and shoot Eva Under Fire was awesome! I didn’t know much about them before hand, although I had a few friends tell me how amazing they were. They definitely lived up to the hype. They brought lots of energy and their show had a little bit of everything- from power ballads to a Journey cover…I loved every second of it.
Lead singer Amanda Lyberg has a very distinct voice. It’s a deep sounding almost bluesy type of voice that fits the bands style perfectly. There was supposed to be another opening band that night, 10 Years, who was taken out by COVID. But, by the time Eva Under Fire ended their set, there didn’t seem to be any complaints from anyone. They had a solid 40 min set ending with their hit “Blow”.
Eva Under Fire is:
Amanda Lyberg- vocals
Rob Lyberg- Guitar
Corey Newsome- Drums
Chris Slapnix- Guitar/vocals
Ed Gawlik III- Bass/ vocals
Find Eva Under Fire: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Tidal | The World Wide Web

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2022.
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