Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska.
Trivium: Metal Tour of the Year Part 1 at Baxter Arena in Omaha, Nebraska on April 26, 2022.
Trivium is solid. Man! I mean, really solid. I can understand how they became part of the Metal Tour of the Year 2022. It was actually pretty genius to bring them on this tour as they are supporting their 2021 release, “In the Court of the Dragon”.
Not familiar with all Trivium’s work, I made time to listen to the new record and it is just hard as hell. Trivium brought this heaviness to Omaha on April 26, 2022 while on tour with In Flames (I was late and didn’t catch them), Lamb of God, and Megadeth.
Trivium put together a strong, tight set with a lot of good, heavy music. I bought “In the Court of the Dragon” to put into my physical music collection, you should do this as well.
With my first three songs:
X/In the Court of the Dragon
Like a Sword Over Damocles
Beyond Oblivion
Trivium is:
Matt Heafy – Vocals/Guitar
Corey Beaulieu – Guitar
Paolo Gregoletto – Bass
Alex Bent – Drums

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska. ©2022.
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