Steve Vai at The Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska on November 19th, 2022.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
I’ve grown up listening to Steve Vai, whether it be with David Lee Roth, Whitesnake, or as a solo artist. There was no denying his talent as you listened to him play. I had never had the chance to see Mr. Vai
play live, until this last Friday night. All I have to say there is nothing that I had heard on a CD that could have prepared me for what I witnessed that night. On my way home I was thinking of all the superlatives I could use to write this review….there were too many to count. Steve Vai is simply amazing. He plays the guitar like he invented it. It so fun to watch someone play who is so connected to the instrument. Everything seems easy and effortless as he plays.
A highlight of the night was when Steve Vai played a song off his latest release “Inviolate”. The song titled “Greenish Blues”. Steve told the story of how the song came about. He said that during sound checks
each night he comes in with the band all ready and a guitar ready for him. And he just picks it up and starts playing. It turns into these impromptu jams. He stated that sometimes they are really good and
sometimes they are not. I believe they bad ones are probably still pretty good, judging by what I saw the other night. “Greenish Blues” was a product of one of these sessions. Steve records all of these and
when going back and listening, really loved what they came up with. So much that it ended up on the album. It’s a great song, definitely a Steve Vai take on the blues.
Speaking of the new album “Invioloate”, it is amazing. Undeniably, Steve Vai. You could listen to it blindly and know it is him. His style speaks for itself. I love how his albums are very eclectic and cover so
much in such a short time. If you get the chance to check it out, do it! You won’t be sorry.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2022.
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