Saxon at TempleLive in Cleveland, Ohio on May 11th, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor David Desin Photography
Amidst the historic architecture of Temple Live Cleveland, on May 11th, 2024, metalheads gathered to witness a night of sheer sonic onslaught as the British heavy metal titans brought their Hell, Fire, and Chaos North American Tour to Cleveland, Ohio.
As the venue filled with anticipation, the stage was set, quite literally, for an evening of unbridled energy and pure, unadulterated heavy metal. From the moment the lights dimmed, the air crackled with excitement and the unmistakable scent of anticipation. And then, like a juggernaut, the band stormed onto the stage, unleashing a sonic tempest that would resonate with every attendee for nights to come.
From the first chords, it was evident that this wasn’t going to be just a concert; it was going to be a full-blown metal spectacle. The band wasted no time, launching into their set with all the ferocity of a pack of wolves, and the crowd responded in kind. Bodies surged, fists pumped, and the air was thick with exhilaration as the band delivered one thunderous anthem after another.
The setlist was a masterclass in heavy metal mayhem, featuring both classic hits and newer tracks that left no doubt as to why this band has become legendary in the genre. From the bone shaking riffs to the soaring vocals, every moment was a reminder of why heavy metal has endured for decades.
But it wasn’t just the music that left an indelible mark on the audience; it was the band’s stage presence. They commanded the stage with the ease and confidence of seasoned veterans, engaging the crowd with every song, every riff, and every scream. And the crowd responded in kind, feeding off the band’s energy and giving it back in spades.
As the final notes rang out and the band bid farewell to the cheering crowd, there was a sense of collective satisfaction in the air. For those lucky enough to be in attendance, it was a night they wouldn’t soon forget. And for those who missed out, well, they missed out on one hell of a show. But such is the nature of heavy metal; it waits for no one, and it leaves no stone unturned in its quest for sonic domination.
Saxon Is:
Biff Byford – lead vocals
Nigel Glockler – drums
Nibbs Carter – bass
Doug Scarratt – guitar
Brian Tatler – guitar

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer David Desin Photography, in Eerie, Pennsylvania. ©2024.
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