Of Limbo at 1867 Bar in Lincoln, NE on August 24th, 2022
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
If you went to school with Of Limbo they would definitely be the guys your mom warned you not to hang out with and definitely you would not let date your daughter. They are the class clowns, beer drinking, party driven band that you just have to see to really understand who they are. This was my second time seeing Of Limbo perform live, and both times they did not disappoint. No smoke and mirrors here, what you see is what you get, a straight forward rock and roll party.
Of Limbo is led the high energy front man Jake Davies, who is pretty darn impressive with his vocals and beer consumption during the show. He never misses a beat as he is tearing up the stage in classic rock and roll fashion. Lead guitar player, Luke Davies, also impressive with his playing abilities and reckless abandon on the stage. I’m guessing he has the scars to prove it. Maybe my favorite Of Limbo member, Rob Graveley, bass player and fashionista of the group. Rob’s presence on the stage is only matched by the attire that he is wearing. Typically a half shirt and shorts that might be a tad too small…and on this night some cool white boots with spurs that he told me he got the night before in Sioux City.
Of Limbo is passionate about two things- having fun and rock and roll. They are a perfect band for times like this when there is a lot of negative in the world to focus on. They are here to give a reason to forget the world’s troubles even if it is only for a couple of hours. They are the nicest guys you can meet and are always available to chat if catch them. If you get the chance to see them live, do it. You won’t be disappointed…beer stains and all.
FIND OF LIMBO – Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | World Wide Web | Spotify

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2022.
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