Mr Big at Barnato Lounge in Omaha,Nebraska on May 22nd, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
Rewind the clock back to 1989, I was at a record store looking around and happened upon a new release by a band called Mr Big. I knew nothing about them, but they were in the rock and roll section and it had a cool cover. I decided to take a chance and walked out with a cassette that immediately went into my car stereo I left the mall. From the fist notes of “Addicted to that Rush”, I was hooked.
I played the cassette often in my car and I believe I eventually wore it out. Now, back to present day, I get the chance to see Mr Big for the first time live. It’s been a long time coming. The band is touring with mostly original members, Eric Martin on vocals, Billy Sheehan on Bass, Paul Gilbert on guitar, and the newest member Nick D’Virgilio on drums. He is playing for original drummer Pat Torpey who passed away in 2018.
The band is currently on their “The Big Finish” tour. It is slated as their farewell tour. They say that you should always go out while you are still on top, and based on what I witnessed, Mr. Big is definitely capable putting on a great show. Eric Martins vocals are still strong and as far as the band goes, you would be hard pressed to find a band as talented as these guys.
A virtual legend on bass in Billy Sheehan and as strong as a guitar player as anyone from the 80’s era in Paul Gilbert. Nick D’Virgilio showed that he was more than an adequate replacement on the drums. To show the talents of this band they all switched instruments during the show, Eric took over on bass, Paul played drums and Nick took over on guitar and Billy sang. They did a cover of “Good Lovin” by The Young Rascals. It was awesome to watch and hear!

The rest of the set had everything you would expect, all the hits. Of course crowd favorites were “To Be with You”, “Wild World”, “Just Take My Heart”, and Humble Pie cover “30 Days in the Hole”. And amazing show from start to finish. I’m glad I caught these guys before it was too late. I feel like they’ve got a lot left in them. But they have had a good run. They are enjoying this last run and it’s apparent with how they interacted with the crowd and the non-stop smiles throughout the night. Catch this tour if you can, you will be sorry if you don’t!

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.
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