Marcus King and Stir Cove in Council Bluffs, Iowa on May 25th, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
It was a great night at the Stir Cove in Council Bluffs for Marcus King! There was some apprehension as the weather had a chance to take a turn for the worse. But it all worked out and the weather held off, and Marcus King put on a show to remember. It ended up being a perfect night altogether. Marcus King and his band are currently out on tour for his newest release, “Mood Swings”. To my knowledge, it’s the first time he has been in the area in a few years. The crowd was super enthusiastic and made up of multiple generations of people that shows the ability of Marcus King to reach the masses.
I have heard more than one person describe Marcus King as a prodigy when it comes to his guitar playing. It’s a description that I fully agree with. As you watch him play, it’s amazing at the ease of the playing that comes forth. It’s almost as he invented the guitar himself. The guitar isn’t some much an instrument as it is an extension of his arms. So natural and easy…it’s so fun to watch. And the sounds that come from the playing are amazing.
If I had to make a list of my five current guitar players, Mr. King would definitely be on that list. The thing is though, he’s more than just fast and dynamic. He can play any style you want or need. To listen to the setlist you are getting some blues for sure, but it also includes some rock-a-billy, southern rock, and some hints of country. To see Marcus is like watching a retro show. He looks as though he stepped right out from the 1970’s and plays and sings as someone far beyond his years.
Marcus King has an incredible band made up of guitarist Drew Smithers, drummer Jack Ryan, bassist Stephen Campbell, and keyboardist Mike Runyon. Throw in a touring horn section and it throws in a whole new element. Incredible show start to finish. If you get the chance to catch this tour, you definitely should. Marcus King is an incredible talent in his prime that is knocking it out of the park every night!

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.
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