Flotsam & Jetsam at 1867 Bar in Lincoln, Nebraska on April 2nd, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
I felt lucky to fall into the happenstance of being able to see Flotsam and Jetsam on the night of April 2nd in Lincoln, Nebraska. It wasn’t necessarily planned but it definitely worked out in my favor. I have always wanted to see the metal legends live. Coming close a few times but never quite being able to work it out. It was a good sized crowd at the 1867 that showed up eager to catch Flotsam and Jetsam. There were some amazing local bands that were in support this night. They were all loud and rowdy. It was a great night for rock and roll. It’s safe to say that the crowd did not leave disappointed on this night.
Flotsam and Jetsam took the stage with the classic “Hammerhead”. That really got the crowd going and it was evident right way that lead vocalist Eric “A.K.” Knutson has not lost anything off his voice. He sounded amazing throughout the night. They followed with two more classics off their debut album, “Desecrator” and “Iron Maiden”. The band sounded really good and it’s not surprising being the road warriors that they are. It was a fun show to watch. There’s something about seeing a classic band in a smaller venue. You know the ones that are there are true fans and will be the ones singing each verse word for word. There were some light moments as Knutson interacted with those in the crowd that gave the show a sense of intimacy with those in attendance.
The rest of the current band is made up of guitarists Michael Gilbert and Steve Conley, bassist Bill Bodily and drummer Ken Mary. There were lots of great moments as they ripped through the set playing lots of classics and some newer songs. A highlight for me was the closer “No Place for Disgrace”. That one is was obviously a crowd favorite and an easy choice to close the night off with. I’m glad I can finally say that I got to see these guys live. It’s been a long time coming…and I’m left asking myself, what took so long to make this happen? I’m going to make sure it isn’t very long before I see them again!

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.
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