Bad Wolves at Steelhouse in Omaha, Nebraska on November 30th, 2023.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
I was super excited to see that I was going to get to cover Bad Wolves when I saw that they were opening for the legendary rock group Bush. I had a chance to cover Bad Wolves a few years back when they had a different lead singer. They were super impressive then, so I couldn’t wait to see them with their new singer, Daniel “DL” Laskiewics. And as far I as what I seen and heard of Mr. Laskiewics that night, all I have to say is-awesome. This guy is pretty amazing. If you know anything about Bad Wolves, you know they don’t conform to any boundaries or what would be a pre-conceived notions you might have about them. They are unapologetically who they are. Their show reeks of attitude and dares you not to have a good time while watching and participating in their rock and roll show.
I’ll tell how much “DL” gives during the show. During the second song he chipped his tooth, getting a little too crazy with the microphone. He announced what had happened during the song, the crowd ate it up. All for the love of rock and roll. Bad Wolves is a little bit of everything even a little bit of rap. But to the core they are a metal band that loves to get the crowd up and moving. They are a “in your face” kind of a band. They are currently touring in support of their newest album “Die About It”. They new tunes mixed in well to the live show especially “Legends Never Die” and the title track “Die About It”.
Bad Wolves is definitely a band worth listening too and seeing live. They are a great live band. It’s refreshing to see a band like them. No gimmicks, just straight out loud and aggressive music. Not for the faint of heart. Check them out for sure.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2023.
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