
2024-Oct-5-Sevendust-The Bourbon Theatre-Lincoln-Bob

Sevendust at The Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska on October 5, 2024.

Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography

If there was any doubt about how much Nebraska loves Sevendust, you should have been at the sold out show at the Bourbon Theatre on October 5th. Sevendust showed Nebraska the love right back. Lead vocalist Lajon Witherspoon took a few minutes to address the crowd after the second song and thank the fans for being so great to the band all these years. He even seemed to get a little emotional about it. It was a great moment to witness.

Sevendust rocked the Bourbon from the start to the very end. Reaching all the back from 2003 to open with Disease. The crowd was shouting the lyrics back at the band in unison all night. It’s a beautiful thing to witness. If you are a music lover, there’s nothing quite like a concert with a theater packed with highly devoted fans seeing their favorite band perform. It’s awesome to be a part of.

This was my first time seeing Sevendust, but as I was watching I couldn’t help but notice that one of the guitar players looked really familiar. Like, I know I’ve shot photos of him before. But since I hadn’t covered them before, it was a bit perplexing. A few more songs into the show and Lajon thanked Jon Jourdan for filling in for Clint Lowery due to an injury.

Jon Jourdan is a guitar player for Mammoth WVH, who I have covered a few times. I didn’t get the initial connection, but eventually I figured it out. Jourdan did an excellent job filling in and the band didn’t seem to miss a beat. Sevendust was hitting on all cylinders throughout the night. It was one of the most electric shows I’ve covered at the Bourbon Theater in a long time. As I mentioned earlier, it was a beautiful thing to witness. Sevendust is currently touring for the 21st anniversary of the 2003 release “Seasons”. An album that has truly stood the test of time. It was a full slate for the evening with 3 opening bands including rock veterans 10 Years. It was a great night of music. I wouldn’t call it a concert as much as I would a musical celebration. This seemed like a victory lap for Sevendust. The love was definitely shown to the band, but the band gave back just as much love to the crowd at the Bourbon this night.

2024-Oct-5-Sevendust-The Bourbon Theatre-Lincoln-Bob
2024-Oct-5-Sevendust-The Bourbon Theatre-Lincoln-Bob

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.

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