Rainbow Kitten Surprise at The Starlight in Kansas City, Missouri on September 27, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor Kayla Hayden
Rainbow Kitten Surprise pick the perfect fall night to make a stop in Kansas City this September. The crowd showed up for this growing indie band ready to have a good time and bring the energy to Starlight Theater. Rainbow Kitten Surprise began their set with a personal favorite of mine, “All That and More,” which led into “LOL” from their new album, Love Hate Music Box. The 2024 album has given fans a little more of a new sound from the band, very different from their last few studio releases. Even so, that didn’t deter fans away from the band.
Despite its differences to some of their earlier work, the new album still feels like Rainbow Kitten Surpris at its core. And based on the volume of the crowd, I’d say most fans agree that a newer sound wouldn’t stop anyone from singing at the top of their lungs at this show. The setlist still included many fan favorites like “All’s Well That Ends,” “Devil Like Me,” and “Cocaine Jesus.”
If any readers happened to be at this show, you’ll recall one very memorable moment about halfway through- A woman went into labor while attending! She was safely escorted out of the venue by staff and security, but what a great story that will be for years to come. For an encore, Rainbow Kitten Surprise played “Thanks for Coming,” which was fitting for the time, and of course rounded the night out with their #1 hit “Freefall.” After seeing Rainbow Kitten Surprise a few years ago, I can tell they have grown so much as artists and performers. I can’t wait to see where they go from here!

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer Kayla Hayden Photos in Kansas City, MO. ©2024.
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