Primus, Coheed & Cambria, & Too Many Zooz at The Astro in LaVista, Nebraska on July 28, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Peter Amisano Photography
The Astro Amphitheatre hosted an evening of musical styles running the gamut from rock to jazz, and everything in between. The Primus, Coheed & Cambria and Too Many Zooz, tour came to LaVista, Nebraska on July 28th, 2024. Fans were treated to the Trumpet & Saxophone musings of Too Many Zooz, the full on Rock and Roll of Coheed and Cambria, and of course the quirky, incredibly talented, musicianship of Primus.
Too Many Zooz took the stage first and I wasn’t sure what to expect. The drummer came out and strapped his bass drum over his shoulders, then the trumpet player and finally the bright red mullet of the saxophone player. It looked to be the start of an interesting evening. I was blown away! These guys were simply amazing. The energy was boderline rambunctious, but so very entertaining. The musicianship was incredible and paired with their high energy antics, there was an infectious mix that kept the crowd engaged for their entire set. Hailing from New York City, this group of musicians, Leo Pellegrino, Matt “Doe” Muirhead and David “King of Sludge” Parks, were a perfect fit with Primus.
Too Many Zooz Gallery
Next to take the stage was Coheed & Cambria and the energy continued. Also hailing from the great state of New York, these rockers have been at it since 1995, they incorporate elements of progressive rock, metal and hardcore into their variety of tunes. They also have a unique edge in that most of their releases are concept albums based on a science fiction comic book series known as The Amory Wars. So, not only do they perform intricate music, but there are visuals to accompany the story told via song. They provided a high energy performance that left the crowd engaged and wanting more.
Coheed & Cambria Gallery
Primus was headlining this bill and the final performance of the evening. The unique personality of the band’s singer and bassist, Les Claypool, added to the band’s unique sound and song styling. However, the quirkiness of the band is subdued by the sheer talent of the musicians. Songs like My Name is Mud, Jerry was a Racecar Driver, Winona’s Big Brown Beaver, are classics in their unique genre. Primus hail from El Sobrante, California and have been together for over 3 decades, starting their journey in 1984.
Primus Gallery
This tour is the perfect variety of musical styles and made for an amazing evening.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Peter Amisano Photography in Lincoln, Nebraska. ©2024.
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