But first, time to set the parameters of The Pit Magazine Pitcast!

This is such a tough process in The Pit Magazine home office and studio to produce The Pitcast. We get hundreds of emails to The Pit Magazine inbox every week with new music releases from various artist and bands from different genres of music. These genres range from singer/songwriter to melodic death metal and literally everything in between. We will pick a nice selection of music each week for your listening enjoyment and add them to a playlist on The Pit Magazine Spotify channel. When available we will also post links of bands releasing new records for order or pre-order right here in each episode.
How much music will be featured each week in The Pit Magazine Pitcast?
Honestly, it is hard to say. We are going to try and keep The Pitcast to twenty minutes each week. So we will be vetting through all of the emails that we can to bring you a solid playlist that you can listen to on your way to work. Since it is an army of one going through all of the emails, we will be gleaning over quite a few press releases in order to compile the best 20 minutes each week. Hell, it may be entertaining as well. Regardless, the studio will be filled with the sound of music everyday and when the studio says put this song (or two, or three) on The Pitcast playlist, that’s what we will do…just for you!
So! How do we do The Pit Magazine Pitcast?
See, that is where the listeners come in. I can quite simply read each of the press releases as they are to give you a raw and uncut version of what is seen each week. OR, the releases can be cleaned up for a more pleasurable listening (and reading) experience. This is your Pitcast as much as it mine so I want it to match what you would listen to each week. To make that happen, all I ask is that you leave a comment and let me know…uncut, straight from the release or cleaned up so they make sense…LOL. I am sure some of my publicist friends will not find that amusing at all. Ultimately, I want it to be an entertaining 20 minutes for all of us.
Will there be interviews on The Pit Magazine Pitcast?
Gosh, I don’t know. I tried an interview format before as you can tell by the previous eleven episodes of The Pitcast. But, I did have an incident a long time ago that has sent me away from even entertaining the idea of interviews ever again. For the sake of privacy, I did the interview with a Grammy nominated band and one of the members and I just did not hit it off. My list of open-ended questions that should have filled 30 minutes ended up being a “yes” and “no” answered event. It was my worst and last interview.
But wait! That was one bad interview of twelve that I did. And I ended up being friends with some of the artists that I interviewed and I still talk to most of them today. Interviews are not completely off the table, but I can’t see them in the immediate future. Plus, if we pick a song that we like but are having issues with band names or member names, I hope that someone in this world will leave a comment as to how to pronounce some of the names. I encourage it, and if a band member reaches out to make the correction, then hell, perhaps I will get them on Zoom and we can get it right for the record. Sound cool to you all? I may screw up a name of purpose just to see if I can evoke that artist to get on the horn and do an interview…maybe.
Will there be video?
Ummmmm, nope. Pretty simple. My mother always told me that I had a face for radio. So, there will be no video of The Pitcast.
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Intro and Outro Music-Night Thunder by Abbynoise. Attribution: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/night-thunder License code: YMNSVANM9PSJL6FU
This is awesome! Can’t wait to hear more!
I am finding out that it is quite the process. But, it is kinda fun!