Funeral Portrait-Lincoln-1.23.25

2025-Jan-23-Funeral Portrait-Bourbon Theatre-Lincoln-Bob DeHart

Funeral Portrait at The Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska on January 23, 2025.

Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography

Covering my first show of the year, and there could not have been a better choice than The Funeral Portrait. This was my first opportunity to see them. I have been hearing the buzz about them for a while now and was hoping that I would get a chance to catch them sometime soon. They were definitely worth the wait! They showed up at the Bourbon Theater with a mission to make sure everyone had a good time. I do believe they were successful in that mission.

This was not their first time in Lincoln, and lead vocalist Lee Jennings mentioned playing a much smaller venue with a much smaller crowd, and how awesome it was to see how many people showed up for them on this night. You could tell he was genuinely humbled by the crowd and the devotion they had to the band. I talked to many fans in the crowd and there were a lot of highly devoted Funeral Portrait fans, singing every song word for word. It was fun to watch and I have to admit, I was converted into a new fan myself.

The rest of the Funeral Portrait consists of Cody Weissinger (lead guitar), Caleb Freihaut (rhythm guitar), Robert Weston (Bass), and Homer Umbanhower (drums). They hail from Atlanta, Georgia and their first release was an EP back in 2014. They have been gaining a lot of momentum in the past few years with lots of radio airplay and touring extensively. They are a fun band to watch with a ton of energy. And the music is really good! Some highlights for me from the set list were Chernobyl, Voodoo Doll, Stay Weird, and Suffocate City.  Those were just a few favorites of mine but really, the whole set was dynamic.

Catch these guys if you can, they are currently on “ A Hex on the Nation” tour supporting their latest release “Casanova (From Beyond the Abyss). Check them out on Spotify or wherever you get your music. I think you’ll find something fresh music has been missing.

2025-Jan-23-Funeral Portrait-Bourbon Theatre-Lincoln-Bob DeHart
2025-Jan-23-Funeral Portrait-Bourbon Theatre-Lincoln-Bob DeHart

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2025.

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