Devour the Day at Steelhouse in Omaha, Nebraska on December 18, 2024.
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography
A great night at the Steelhouse in Omaha started with Devour the Day taking the stage. They were the first of three bands, with Daughtry finishing the night as the headliner. It was an energy filled night and these guys kicked it all off with a fury. Opening the set with the song Respect, it was just a sign of things to come. Devour the Day is a perfect blend of hard rock with some melodic twists. This was my first time getting to see them and appreciate what they have to offer. The crowd was amped up and ready to roll by the time they took the stage.
Front man Blake Allison has a strong stage presence, which paired with his strong vocals, is enough to carry the set. But rest assured the rest of the guys did not leave him alone to carry the load. Joey “Chicago” Walser was dynamic on the bass, playing with what seemed like a sense of urgency. There was great chemistry between the two of them on stage. They were definitely feeding off of each other through out the set. It was super fun to watch between the energy and crowd participation, you couldn’t help feel a little worn out before the set was done.
Other highlights of the set were Nobody Owns Me, Outsider, Good Man, and Worse Than Death. It’s no wonder that Walser and Allison have such good chemistry since they both are also members of the band Pop Evil. Which is a great band in their won right. I am glad they have ventured out and decided to do something a little different with Devour the Day. AS far as I am concerned, you can’t have too much rock and roll, and these guys do it the right way. They bring it to the people while on stage. Check them out if you get the chance. You won’t be disappointed.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.
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