Blacktop Mojo at the Bourbon Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska on August 6, 2024
Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography
It’s been a crazy summer, I’ve been around the world and back. It’s been a minute since I’ve got to be in the pit shooting concert photos because of the trips I’ve had this summer. Maybe it hasn’t been that long, but it sure feels like it. Tuesday night I go the chance to cover Blacktop Mojo as my return engagement. It wasn’t long into the first song that I realized, One- I have really missed it and Two, Blacktop Mojo is a perfect band to make it back into The Pit to see.

I haven’t had the chance to see them live before. I love listening to them and especially their latest release, “Pollen”. There are a lot of great songs on the album, and many were played during the show. Blacktop Mojo is about to finish this portion of their tour that they are headlining. Only a couple of dates left. You could tell from the show that Blacktop Mojo is hitting their stride as a live act. They sounded amazing throughout the set. Vocalist Matt James has one of the best voices I’ve heard in a long time. To hear it on record is one thing, but to hear that bluesy rock voice come out during a show….gave me chills!
Blacktop Mojo hails from the small East Texas town of Palestine. They have been described as a “Texas Grunge” band. I’m not sure what that means, but if it’s what they sound like, I’ll take it. Between James whiskey soaked blues voice, the twin guitars of Malcolm Booher and Ryan Kiefer, bassist Matt Curtis flying all over the stage, and drummer Nathan Gillis keeping things rolling along- they are aa fun band to see. No shortage of energy or talent with the guys.
If you haven’t listened to the new album yet, please do. They opened with Weary I Roam off of it, and it definitely set the tone for the night. Other favorites played were “Like Wild Horses”, “Red Enough, and “Please Don’t Call”. I was a little sad that they didn’t play my favorite song off the album “As The Light Fades”. All is forgiven though, the rest of the show was worth it.

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.
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